четверг, 25 октября 2012 г.
Temples, Shrines and other structures of Ancient Kamakura
Kamakura was constructed by the samurai (warrior class) to be the seat of their political power. It is surrounded by hills to the north, east and west, and faces the ocean to the south. For this reason, it is ideally protected. The samurai government controlled all of Japan from here for over 150 years, and Kamakura became the center of politics, economy and culture. The samurai government of Japan continued from 1192 to 1868, during which period the cities of Kamakura and Edo were constructed to serve as places of administration. However, Edo later changed into the modern city of Tokyo, so that the only remaining place where one can find a grouping of cultural properties reminiscent of samurai culture is the area around Kamakura.
Today one may see in Kamakura the Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu (Tsurugaoka Hachiman Shrine), which was at the center of the city plan, and Wakamiya Oji, a large avenue that stretches from the front of the shrine toward the sea. There are a number of temples and temple sites like Kenchoji, Enkakuji, Kotoku-in and Yofukuji, built on the surrounding hillsides, as well as sites of houses belonging to the samurai in power at the time. Also in the surrounding hills are steep pathways, known as the Kamakura Nakakuchi, which served as routes to the outside. Along the ocean front there is Wagae-jima, a port site.
воскресенье, 29 апреля 2012 г.
Surakhany, Atashgyakh (Fire - worshippers, temple - museum at Surakhany)
Баку. Апшерон. Храм огнепоклонников в сел. Сураханы 18 век
Атешгях (азерб. Atəşgah) — храм огнепоклонников в Азербайджане, на Апшеронском полуострове, в 30 км от центра Баку, на окраине селения Амираджаны в Сураханском районе, в разное время почитавшийся зороастрийцами, индуистами и сикхами. Современные постройки комплекса храма датируются XVII веком.
Пятиугольный комплекс имеет открытый двор с храмом-алтарём в центре,
который был местом паломничества огнепоклонников. «Атешгях» означает
«Дом огня», «Место огня», поскольку территория храма известна таким
уникальным природным феноменом, как горящие выходы естественного газа (газ, вырываясь наружу, соприкасается с кислородом и загорается).Среднее число посетителей музея в год составляет около 15000 человек. Распоряжением президента Азербайджана объявлен Государственным историко-архитектурным заповедником. Музей под открытым небом. В 1998 году Атешгях предложен правительством Азербайджана в качестве кандидата на занесение в список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО
Saint Sophia Cathedral with Related Monastic Buildings, St. Cyril's and St. Andrew's Churches, Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra
St. Andrew's Church
in Kyiv is a monument of history, architecture and painting of the 18th
century that gained the world significance. The church preserves not
only authentic architecture and painting of the Baroque epoch, but also
unique decorative stuccowork and woodcarving of the middle of the 18th
century. Besides, the painting compositions of the 19th century executed
in Classicism are also preserved in the interior of the church.
The church was constructed during
1747-1762 to the design of outstanding architect F.-B. Rastrelli. The
building was guided by Moscow architect I. Michurin and the best
Russian, Ukrainian and foreign masters were involved into the church's
St. Andrew's Church was built on the
Dnieper slope, which is connected with the annalistic legend about
Apostle Andrew's sermon of Christianity on the lands of future Kyivan
Rus. The building of the church blends harmoniously with the surrounding
landscape, being the focus in the panorama of city. The perfection of
lines, clear proportions, amazing harmony of forms and natural
surrounding gained public appreciation and fame for the church.
The church is 31,7m long, 20,4m wide
and 50m high (together with a cross on the dome) from a church-porch.
The five-domed church consists of a central dome and four decorative
turrets, which crowned supporting pylons-counterforts located on the
diagonal axes of the building.
The drum, which is 10m high and with a
diameter of 14m rises in the middle of the construction. Eight
semicircular windows were cut in it. The sphere-shaped dome rises above
the drum and takes a dominant place in the silhouette of the church. In
the middle of the western facade there is the only entrance with the
metal doors decorated with ornaments and crosses. In decoration of the
facades the columns of Corinthian and Ionic orders were used, paired
pilasters, intricately profiled cornices, cartouches with the monogram
of Empress Elizabeth, gilded cast-iron and copper ornamentations of the
Baroque style. Owing to a peculiar architectural composition the church
construction looks slender and light. Plastic figurative expressiveness
of the church is conditioned to a considerable extent by using white,
turquoise colors and gilding in coloring of the facades.
The main feature of Baroque is a
synthesis of arts that is vividly manifested inside the church:
architecture, stucco work, woodcarving and oil painting are inseparably
linked with each other here.
The iconostasis, the altar canopy and
the pulpit are the unsurpassed examples of woodcarving art in St.
Andrew's Church. They strike one by diversity of a combination of flat
relief, bas-relief and high relief woodcarving, gilded and polychrome
sculpture in the round. The iconostasis is a main decorative and
artistic component of the interior. It plays the primary role in the
arrangement of inner space of the church. The iconostasis attracts one's
attention with its striking combination of red background with the
gilded sculptures and wood carved details. The iconostasis of the church
consists of three tiers. The Holy Doors is a centre of the first tier.
The iconostasis and all wood carved details of its decoration were made
from lime wood according to Rastrelli's sketches by the following
masters as J. Domash, A. Karlovsky, M. Manturov, C. Oreydakh, D. Ustars
and I. Grott. The gilding work was executed by F. Leprens and I.
The painting plays also an important
role in decorative arrangement of the interior. In St. Andrew's Church
there are 68 oil-painted canvases and the only one painting was executed
directly on a plaster on the western vault. During 1751-1752, the group
of Russian artists, the so-called (painting team) of the Petersburg
Chancellery of Building under the guidance of I. Vyshnyakov worked at
creation of the icons for the St. Andrew's Church iconostasis. The order
was performed by the following artists - 0. Antropov, A. Yeroshevsky,
P. Semenov, 0. Belsky, 0. Pospelov and I. Firsov. The most prominent
artist from this group was 0. Antropov, who painted the border scenes of
the pulpit, the icon The Repose of the Virgin from the iconostasis, the scene of The Annunciation from the Holy Gates, the image of St. Andrew on the western vault of the church and also the altar-piece The Last Supper. The icons from backside of the iconostasis were painted by Ukrainian artists I. Romensky and I. Chaikovsky.
In the transept of St. Andrew's Church there are two compositions of the 19th century St. Andrew Preaching a Sermon by Ukrainian artist P. Boryspolets and Prince Volodymyr Chooses the Faith
by Lettish artist J. Eggink. Both canvases are attributed to historical
genre and reflected the annalistic legend about sermon of Christianity,
the foundation of Kyiv and the spread of Orthodox Faith on the
territory of Kyivan Rus.
воскресенье, 15 апреля 2012 г.
четверг, 12 апреля 2012 г.
понедельник, 9 апреля 2012 г.
понедельник, 2 апреля 2012 г.
суббота, 24 марта 2012 г.
San Pedro de Atacama - Сан-Педро-де-Атакама
Сан-Педро-де-Атакама (исп. San Pedro de Atacama) — посёлок в Чили. Административный центр одноименной коммуны.
Коммуна включает в себя одноимённую пустыню Атакаму. Знаменитое гигантское озеро, спрятанное под толстым соляным покровом, является значительной частью самой большой соляной равнины в Чили. В этом районе можно встретить 4 вида фламинго, обитающих в лагуне Чаха.
Наиболее известная достопримечательность — белая церковь Сан Педро 17 века. Она открыта для посещения туристами. В городе побелённые дома из местного камня «адоба». В северной части города находится древнее поселение и крепость Пукара-де-Китор. В 6 км к югу от города располагается один из древнейших археологических памятников на севере Чили — поселение Тулор.
Популярное блюдо туристов — зрелые сушёные стручки чили.
четверг, 22 марта 2012 г.
Mdina (Citta' Vecchia)
Приблизительный возраст исторической столицы Мальты около 4000 лет. За тысячу лет до рождества Христова на этом месте обосновались финикийцы и возвели городские стены. Расцвет города приходился на период римского правления. Цицерон и Ливи описывали город с красивыми зданиями и благоустроенным образом жизни. Считается что в Мдине бывал апостол Павел, который, якобы, высадился на Мальте после кораблекрушения в 60 г н. э. Апостол Павел считается родоначальником христианства на Мальте.
В годы арабского владычества из Мдины отделили город Рабат, который вырос до больших (для Мальты) размеров, тогда как собственно Мдина начинает приходить в упадок.
Начиная со средних веков Мдина — город знати. В XV веке городом управляло собрание аристократов «Университа». Когда рыцари Ордена Св. Иоанна пришли на Мальту в 1530 г., мальтийская знать готова была признать новую власть при одном условии — рыцари должны были оставить автономию Мдины неприкосновенной. Только после этого формального обещания Великий Магистр Ордена получил ключи от города. С течением веков город менял названия и статус; всё зависело от того, кто правил городом и островами. Однако во все времена Мдина сохраняла один и тот же облик, облик «Citta Notabile» или «Города — Аристократа».
Достопримечательности города:
Главные Ворота Мдины,
Греческие Ворота,
Кафедральный Собор Св. Павла,
дворец Ингуанец,
дворец Св. Софии,
церковь Кармелитов,
дворец Архиепископа,
дворец Вилена (музей естествознания),
Нормандский дом,
темница Мдины.
воскресенье, 18 марта 2012 г.
Church of Prince Dimitri "On Blood"
C Угличем связан один из самых загадочных эпизодов российской истории - гибель царевича Дмитрия, сына Ивана Грозного от его последней жены, Марии Нагой. Род Нагих происходил из Углича, и после смерти Ивана Грозного вдову с сыном отправили в родовую вотчину.
15 мая 1591 года произошла трагедия - царевич был найден зарезанным во дворе, у палат. Мария обвинила в его смерти бывших в Угличе людей Бориса Годунова, которых разгневанные горожане немедленно убили.
Присланная из Москвы для разбирательства комиссия во главе с Василием Шуйским установила, что Дмитрий сам зарезался в припадке эпилепсии, от которой он страдал.
Комиссия жестоко расправилась с угличанами - последовали казни и ссылки.
Туда еж сослали и соборный колокол, который был таким образом "наказан" за то, что созвал горожан на расправу с людьми Годунова. Колоколу вырвали язык, отрубили ухо, высекли плетьми на площади и отправили в Тобольск.
В 19 веке колокол якобы вернули в Углич (он даже помещён сейчас в музей), но по официальным документам на самом деле тот колокол погиб в Тобольске при пожаре, а вместо него прислали копию "символизирующую" тот колокол.
Гибель Дмитрия имела для Руси тяжёлые последствия. В Польше объявился самозванец, беглых монах Чудова Монастыря Григорий Отрепьев. Лжедмитрий I при помощи поляков дошёл до Москвы, захватил её. Но правил недолго. Спустя 11 месяцев он был свергнут и казнён.
Чтобы не повторилась история с самозванцем, новый правитель Василий Шуйский повелел вскрыть могилу царевича в соборе преображения и привезти его прах в Москву. На месте прощания с царевичем в Угличе построена церковь Дмитрия, что на Поле.
вторник, 13 марта 2012 г.
среда, 7 марта 2012 г.
Raja Ampat Islands
The Raja Ampat Islands, situated near the Northwest coast of Papua, consists of about 1,500 islands, including several large, mountainous islands, the largest being Waigeo, Batanta, Salawati and Misool. The islands are located in a region on the western boarder of the equatorial Pacific Ocean and at the Northeastern ‘entrance’ of the Indonesian Throughflow from the Pacific to the Indian Ocean. The vast majority of the archipelago rests on the Sahul shelf. The wide distribution of small islands across the shelf edge creates a strong gradient from clear water, open oceanic conditions to sheltered and turbid bays, surrounded by krast limestone formations. Raja Ampat was declared as a new regency or district on 8 May 2003 and consists of 10 sub-districts with a total of 85 villages spread out in over approximately 6% of the islands in the regency. The census in 2001 showed that total population in Raja Ampat was 47,771 with an average increase rate of 0.32% (Pemda Raja Ampat, 2002).
суббота, 3 марта 2012 г.
Historic Center of the Port City of Odessa
Monument to the founders of Odessa
Па́мятник основа́телям Оде́ссы — памятник Екатерине Великой и её сподвижникам — де Рибасу, де Волану, Потемкину и Зубову. Расположен в городе Одессе на Екатерининской площади. Воздвигнут в 1900 году архитектором Дмитренко Ю. М, скульптором Поповым М. П. инженером Сикорским А. А. при участии скульптора Эдуардса Б. В. В 1920 году демонтирован. Восстановлен в 2007 году. Восстановление памятника приобрело политический резонанс — украинские националистические силы и президент Ющенко выступали против восстановления памятника, из-за того, что Екатерина II распустила Запорожскую сечь и вообще, по мнению этих сил, будучи «московской царицей», была «палачом украинского народа».
воскресенье, 26 февраля 2012 г.
Český ráj (Czech Paradise) Rock Cities
Чешский рай (чеш. Český ráj) — заповедник на северо-востоке Чехии, на среднем течении реки Йизера. Сердцем Чешского рая, традиционно считается город Турнов.
Характерным для ландшафта являются «скальные города» из песчаника. С 1955 года часть региона охраняется как заповедник. Из-за особой геологической структуры регион в 2005 году был включен в сеть европейских геопарков. Символом чешского рая является крепость Троски.
Klokocske skaly
пятница, 24 февраля 2012 г.
My list of UNESCO Tentative cards
- Bagh-e Babur (02/11/2009)
- Band-E-Amir (08/09/2004)
- City of Balkh (antique Bactria) (17/08/2004)
- City of Herat (17/08/2004)
- L'amphithéâtre de Durres (11/10/1996)
- Les tombes de la Basse Selca (11/10/1996)
- Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Ohrid Region (05/09/2011)
- Les Mausolées Royaux de Numidie, de la Maurétanie et les monuments funéraires pré-islamiques (30/12/2002)
- Les oasis à foggaras et les ksour du Grand Erg Occidental (30/12/2002)
- Nedroma et les Trara (30/12/2002)
- Oued souf (30/12/2002)
- Parc des Aurès avec les établissements oasiens des gorges du Rhoufi et d’El Kantara (30/12/2002)
- Sites, lieux et itinéraires augustiniens du Maghreb central (30/12/2002)
- Eglises romanes d'Andorre (22/02/1999)
- Ensemble historique de Santa Coloma (22/02/1999)
- Church of Nossa Senhora da Conceiçào da Muxima (22/11/1996)
- Church of Nossa Senhora da Victoria (22/11/1996)
- Church of Nossa Senhora do Rosario (22/11/1996)
- Fortress of Kambambe (22/11/1996)
- Fortress of Massanganu (22/11/1996)
- Fortress of Muxima (22/11/1996)
- Fortress of S. Francisco do Penedo (22/11/1996)
- Fortress of S. Miguel (22/11/1996)
- Fortress of S. Pedro da Barra (22/11/1996)
- Little Fort of Kikombo (22/11/1996)
- Ruin of M'banza Kongo (22/11/1996)
- Campos Volcánicos Llancanelo y Payun Matru, Distrito Payunia (18/04/2011)
- Casa Curutchet (01/06/2007)
- City of La Plata, Foundational Urban Area (30/06/1998)
- Las Parinas (15/11/2001)
- Sierra de las Quijadas National Park (24/02/2005)
- Sistema Vial Andino/Qhapaq Ñan (20/07/2010)
- Valle Calchaquí (15/11/2001)
- Ville de Buenos Aires: Paysage Culturel (24/02/2005)
- The archaeological site of the city of Dvin (#) (25/08/1995)
- The basilica and archaeological site of Yererouk (#) (25/08/1995)
- The monasteries of Tatev and Tatevi Anapat and the adjacent areas of the Vorotan Valley (25/08/1995)
- The monastery of Noravank and the upper Amaghou Valley (#) (25/08/1996)
- Great Sandy World Heritage Area (04/01/2010)
- The Gondwana Rainforests of Australia World Heritage Area (extension to existing property) (07/05/2010)
- Abbey of Kremsmünster (01/08/1994)
- Bregenzerwald (Bregenz Forest) (01/08/1994)
- Cathedral of Gurk (01/08/1994)
- Cultural Landscape of "Innsbruck-Nordkette/Karwendel" (23/01/2002)
- Frontiers of the Roman Empire - The Danube Limes in Austria (10/06/2011)
- Heiligenkreuz Abbey (01/08/1994)
- Hochosterwitz Castle (01/08/1994)
- Iron Trail with Erzberg and the old town of Steyr (23/01/2002)
- National Park "Hohe Tauern" (11/02/2003)
- Old part of Hall in Tirol (01/08/1994)
- "Baku Stage" Mountain (30/09/1998)
- "Binegadi" 4th Period Fauna and Flora Deposit (#) (30/09/1998)
- "Lok-Batan" Mud Cone (#) (30/09/1998)
- Hyrkan State Reservation (30/09/1998)
- Ordubad historical and architectural reserve (24/10/2001)
- Sheki, the Khan's Palace (24/10/2001)
- Susha historical and architectural reserve (24/10/2001)
- The Caspian Shore Defensive Constructions (24/10/2001)
- The mausoleum of Nakhichevan (#) (30/09/1998)
- Barbar Temple (25/09/2001)
- Burial Ensembles of Dilmun and Tylos (29/05/2008)
- Hamad Town Tumuli Moundfield (25/09/2001)
- Hawar Islands Reserve (07/11/2001)
- Pearling and its cultural landscapes in Bahrain (14/05/2008)
- Saar Heritage Park (25/09/2001)
- Halud Vihara (17/02/1999)
- Jaggadala Vihara (17/02/1999)
- Lalbagh Fort (17/02/1999)
- Mahansthangarh and its Environs (17/02/1999)
- The Lalmai-Mainamati Group of monuments (17/02/1999)
- The Industrial Heritage of Barbados: The Story of Sugar (18/01/2005)
- The Scotland District of Barbados (18/01/2005)
- Architectural ensemble of Francysk Scaryna avenue in Minsk (1940's -1950's) (30/01/2004)
- Augustow Canal (30/01/2004)
- Brest Fortress (30/01/2004)
- Edifices for Worship of Fortress Type in Belarus, Poland and Lithuania (30/01/2004)
- Kamyanets Tower (30/01/2004)
- National Park “Belovezhskaya Pushcha” (31/01/2011)
- Palace and Park Ensemble in the city of Homel (30/01/2004)
- Saviour Transfiguration Church and St. Sophia Cathedral in the town of Polatsk (30/01/2004)
- SS. Boris and Gleb (Kalozha) Church in the city of Hrodna (30/01/2004)
- St. Nicholas Monastery Complex in the city of Mahilyou (30/01/2004)
- Worship wooden architecture (17th -18th centuries) in Polesye (30/01/2004)
- Les passages de Bruxelles / Les Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert (08/04/2008)
- L’œuvre architecturale d’Henry van de Velde (08/04/2008)
- Le Palais de Justice de Bruxelles (08/04/2008)
- Le plateau des Hautes-Fagnes (08/04/2008)
- Le tronçon Bavay-Tongres de la chaussée romaine Boulogne-Cologne situe sur le territoire de la Région wallonne (08/04/2008)
- L’ensemble thermal de Spa : de la cure mondaine à la villégiature de prestige (08/04/2008)
- Le palais de Princes Evêques de Liège (08/04/2008)
- Le champ de bataille de Waterloo, la fin de l’épopée napoléonienne (08/04/2008)
- Les sites miniers majeurs de Wallonie (08/04/2008)
- Le Panorama de la Bataille de Waterloo, exemple particulièrement significatif de « Phénomène de Panoramas » (08/04/2008)
- Les citadelles mosanes (08/04/2008)
- Le noyau historique médiéval ou la 'Cuve' de Gand, et les deux abbayes qui sont à son origine (02/04/2002)
- Lieux de mémoire et monuments de la Grande Guerre : le Westhoek et Régions voisines (02/04/2002)
- Hoge Kempen Rural - Industrial Transition Landscape (25/05/2011)
- Leuven/Louvain, bâtiments universitaires, l'héritage de six siècles au sein du centre historique (02/04/2002)
- Maison Guiette, Populierenlaan 32, Antwerpen (04/04/2005)
- Noyau historique d'Antwerpen -Anvers- de l'Escaut aux anciens remparts de vers 1250 (02/04/2002)
- Parc National de la Pendjari (31/03/2009)
- Site Lacustre de Ganvié (31/10/1996)
- La Réserve W du Niger et l'habitat vernaculaire du nord Bénin (31/10/1996)
- La ville d'Ouidah : quartiers anciens et Route de l'Esclave (31/10/1996)
- La ville de Porto-Novo : quartiers anciens et Palais Royal (#) (31/10/1996)
- Village souterrain d'Agongointo-Zoungoudo (19/06/1998)
Sacred Sites associated with Phajo Drugom Zhigpo and his descendants (08/03/2012)
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
- Cal Orck'o: Footprints of time (01/07/2003)
- Incallajta, the largest Inca site in the Kollasuyo (01/07/2003)
- Pulacayo, Industrial Heritage Site (01/07/2003)
- Sacred Titicaca Lake (01/07/2003)
- Sajama National Park (01/07/2003)
- Sistema Vial Andino/Qhapaq Ñan (20/07/2010)
Bosnia and Herzegovina
- The natural and architectural ensemble of Jajce (10/03/2006)
- Sarajevo - unique symbol of universal multiculture - continual open city (N.I.) (01/09/1997)
- Stećaks - Mediaeval Tombstones (18/04/2011)
- The historic urban site of Počitelj (02/01/2007)
- The natural and architectural ensemble of Blagaj (11/12/2007)
- The natural and architectural ensemble of Blidinje (11/12/2007)
- The natural and architectural ensemble of Stolac (11/12/2007)
- Vjetrenica cave (22/11/2004)
- Central Kalahari Game Reserve (27/10/2010)
- Chobe Linyanti System (27/05/2010)
- Gcwihaba Caves (27/05/2010)
- Makgadikgadi Pans Landscape (27/05/2010)
- Mapungubwe Cultural Landscape (Trans-boundary Listing) (27/05/2010)
- Okavango Delta (27/05/2010)
- Toutswemogala Hill Iron Age Settlement (21/07/1999)
- Tswapong Hills Cultural Landscape (27/05/2010)
- Réserve biologique d'Atol das Rocas (Rio Grande do Norte) (06/09/1996)
- Anavilhanas Ecological Station (16/09/1998)
- Canyon du Rio Peruaçu, Minas Gerais (11/03/1998)
- Cavernas do Peruaçu Federal Environmental Protection Area (APA) / Veredas Do Peruaçu State Park (16/09/1998)
- Eglise et Monastère de Sao Bento, Rio de Janeiro (06/09/1996)
- Ensemble architectonique de tourisme et loisir au bord du lac de Pampulha (#) (06/09/1996)
- Gold Route in Parati and its landscape (08/01/2004)
- Palais de la Culture, ancien siège du Ministère de l'Education et de la Santé, Rio de Janeiro (06/09/1996)
- Parc national de la Serra da Bocaina (São Paulo - Rio de Janeiro) (06/09/1996)
- Parc national du Pico da Neblina (Amazonas) (06/09/1996)
- Rio de Janeiro Cultural Landscape (07/08/2001)
- Serra da Canastra National Park
- Serra da Capivara National Park and Permanent Preservation Areas (16/09/1998)
- Serra do Divisor National Park (16/09/1998)
- Station écologique de Taim (Rio Grande do Sul) (06/09/1996)
- Station écologique du Raso da Catarina (Bahia) (06/09/1996)
- Central Balkan National Park (10/10/2011)
- Pobiti Kamani Natural Monument (10/10/2011)
- Rocks of Belogradchik (10/10/2011)
- The Ancient Plovdiv (14/09/2004)
- The ancient town of Nicopolis ad Istrum (01/10/1984)
- The Bachkovo Monastery (01/10/1984)
- The late ancient tomb of Silistra (01/10/1984)
- The Magoura cave with drawings from the bronze age (01/10/1984)
- The Roussensky Lom National Park (01/10/1984)
- The town of Melnik and the Rozhen Monastery (01/10/1984)
- Thracian Tomb with Wall Paintings beside Alexandrovo village (14/09/2004)
- Two neolithic dwellings with their interior and household furnishings and utensils completely preserved (01/10/1984)
- Vratsa Karst Nature Reserve (10/10/2011)
Burkina Faso
- Cour royale de Tiébélé (24/01/2012)
- Les sites de métallurgie ancienne de réduction du fer dans les espaces boose et bwi (Ronguin, Tiwega, Yamane, Kindbo, Bekuy, Douroula) (24/01/2012)
- La réserve de Biosphère de la Mare aux Hippopotames de Bala (24/01/2012)
- Le complexe Parcs nationaux Arly-W (24/01/2012)
- Les gravures rupestres du Sahel burkinabè : Pobé-Mengao, Arbinda et Markoye (24/01/2012)
- Les gravures rupestres de Pobe-Mengao (#) (09/04/1996)
- Les nécropoles de Bourzanga (09/04/1996)
- Les sites d'extraction de fer de Kindiba (#) (09/04/1996)
- Parc National du W du Niger et aires protégées adjacentes (30/01/2004)
- La résidence royale du Burundi : Le cas de Gishora (09/05/2007)
- Le rugo traditionnel du Mugamba (09/05/2007)
- Les paysages naturels sacrés de Muramvya, de Mpotsa et de Nkiko-Mugamba (09/05/2007)
- Gasumo, la source la plus méridionale du Nil (09/05/2007)
- Rwihinda, lac aux oiseaux (09/05/2007)
- Le lac Tanganyika (09/05/2007)
- La réserve naturelle de la Rusizi (09/05/2007)
- Le parc national de la Kibira (09/05/2007)
- Le parc national de la Ruvubu (09/05/2007)
- Les chutes de la Karera et la faille de Nyakazu (09/05/2007)
- Ensemble de Banteay Chmar (01/09/1992)
- Ensemble de Banteay Prei Nokor (01/09/1992)
- Ensemble de Beng Mealea (01/09/1992)
- Ensemble du Prah Khan de Kompong Svay (01/09/1992)
- Groupe de Sambor Prei Kuk (01/09/1992)
- Le site de Koh Ker (01/09/1992)
- Site d'Angkor Borei et Phnom Da (01/09/1992)
- Site d'Oudong (01/09/1992)
- Site des Kulen (01/09/1992)
- La chefferie de Bafut (18/04/2006)
- Site archéologique de Shum Laka (18/04/2006)
- Mégalithiques de Saa (18/04/2006)
- Les Gravures Rupestres de Bidzar (18/04/2006)
- Les Diy-Gid-Biy du Mont Mandara (18/04/2006)
- Le Lamidat de Rey-Bouba (18/04/2006)
- Les chutes de la Lobé (18/04/2006)
- Parc national de Korup (18/04/2006)
- Parc national de Campo Ma’an (18/04/2006)
- Parc national de Lobeke (18/04/2006)
- Parc national de Waza (18/04/2006)
- Complexe des parcs nationaux de Boumba Bek et de Nki (18/04/2006)
- Partie camerounaise du Lac Tchad (18/04/2006)
- Áísínai’pi (01/10/2004)
- Atikaki / Woodland Caribou / Accord First Nations (Pimachiowin Aki) (01/10/2004)
- Grand-Pré (01/10/2004)
- Gwaii Haanas (01/10/2004)
- Ivvavik / Vuntut / Herschel Island (Qikiqtaruk) (01/10/2004)
- Mistaken Point (01/10/2004)
- Quttinirpaaq (01/10/2004)
- The Klondike (01/10/2004)
Cape Verde
- Camp de concentration de Tarrafal (07/05/2004)
- Cova e Montantes de Ribeiras da Torre et do Paul (07/05/2004)
- La Saline de Pedra Lume (07/05/2004)
- Le Plateau de la ville de Praia (07/05/2004)
- Ville de Sao Filipe (07/05/2004)
Central African Republic
- Les mégalithes de Bouar (11/04/2006)
- Le Tata (palais fortifié) du Sultan Sénoussi, les grottes de Kaga-Kpoungouvou, la ville de Ndélé (11/04/2006)
- Les sites paléo-métallurgiques de Bangui (11/04/2006)
- Les gravures rupestres de Lengo (11/04/2006)
- Les vestiges du train de Zinga (11/04/2006)
- La Réserve spéciale de Dzanga-Sangha (11/04/2006)
- La Réserve intégrale de la Mbaéré-Bondingué (11/04/2006)
- Les chutes de la Mbi (11/04/2006)
- La colline et la plaine, la rivière Oubangui et le patrimoine colonial bâti de la ville de Bangui (11/04/2006)
- La forêt et les campements résidentiels de référence pygmée AKA de la République Centrafricaine (11/04/2006)
- Archaeological sites of the Chinchorro culture (01/09/1998)
- Ayquina and Toconce (01/09/1998)
- Baquedano Street (01/09/1998)
- Cerro el Plomo high shrine (01/09/1998)
- Churches of the Altiplano (01/09/1998)
- Fell and Pali Aike Caves (01/09/1998)
- Houses of the hacienda San José del Carmen el Huique (01/09/1998)
- Juan Fernández Archipielago National Park (30/03/1994)
- La Moneda Palace (01/09/1998)
- Locomotive depot of the Temuco Railroad Station (01/09/1998)
- Malleco Viaduct (01/09/1998)
- Monte Verde Archaeological Site (23/02/2004)
- Rupestrian art of the Patagonia (01/09/1998)
- San Francisco Church and Convent (01/09/1998)
- San Pedro de Atacama
- Sistema Vial Andino/ Qhapaq Ñan (12/04/2011)
- The Defensive Complex of Valdivia (01/09/1998)
- Torres del Paine and Bernardo O'Higgins National Parks, Region of Magallanes (30/03/1994)
- Ancient Porcelain Kiln Site in China: The Yue-Kiln Site at Shanglin Lake (28/03/2008)
- Ancient Residences in Shanxi and Shaanxi Provinces (28/03/2008)
- Archaeological Sites of the Ancient Shu State: Site at Jinsha and Joint Tombs of Boat-shaped Coffins in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province; Site of Sanxingdui in Guanghan City, Sichuan Province 29C.BC- 5C.BC (28/03/2008)
- Baiheliang Ancient Hydrological Inscription (28/03/2008)
- China Altay (29/01/2010)
- Chinese Section of the Silk Road: Land routes in Henan Province, Shaanxi Province, Gansu Province, Qinghai Province, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region; Sea Routes in Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province and Quanzhou City, Fujian Province - from Western-Han Dynasty to Qing Dynasty (28/03/2008)
- City Walls of the Ming and Qing Dynasties (28/03/2008)
- Dali Chanshan Mountain and Erhai Lake Scenic Spot (29/11/2001)
- Diaolou Buildings and Villages for Tibetan and Qiang Ethnic Groups (28/03/2008)
- Dong Nationality Villages in Southeast Guizhou Province: The Villages of Dong Nationality-Liudong and Jiudong Villages (28/03/2008)
- Dongzhai Port Nature Reserve (12/02/1996)
- Expansion Project of Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties: King Lujian’s Tombs (28/03/2008)
- Extension Project of Ancient Villages in South Anhui Province: Tangyue, Likeng and Wangkou village (28/03/2008)
- Extension Project of Classical Gardens of Suzhou: Classical Gardens of Suzhou and Historical Street Blocks (28/03/2008)
- Extension Project of Temple and Cemetery of Confucius and the Kong Family Mansion in Qufu: Temple of Confucius at Nishan Mountain, Temple and Cemetery of Mencius and the Meng Family Mansion, Temple of Yanhui and Temple of Zeng Zi (28/03/2008)
- Fenghuang Ancient City (28/03/2008)
- Haitan Scenic Spots (29/11/2001)
- Hani Terraces (28/03/2008)
- Heaven Pit and Ground Seam Scenic Spot (29/11/2001)
- Hua Shan Scenic Area (29/11/2001)
- Jinfushan Scenic Spot (29/11/2001)
- Karakorum-Pamir (29/01/2010)
- Karez Wells (28/03/2008)
- Liangzhu Archaeological Site (28/03/2008)
- Lingqu Canal (Xiang'an County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Qin Dynasty) (28/03/2008)
- Maijishan Scenic Spots (29/11/2001)
- Miao Nationality Villages in Southeast Guizhou Province: The villages of Miao Nationality at the Foot of Leigong Mountain in Miao Ling Mountains (28/03/2008)
- Nanxi River (29/11/2001)
- Pagoda, Library Caves and Stone Tablets of sutra of Yunju Temple (28/03/2008)
- Poyang Nature Reserve (12/02/1996)
- Shanxi Businessmen’s Courtyard Houses (28/03/2008)
- Shennongjia Nature Reserve (12/02/1996)
- Site of Ancient Copper Mine: Site of Ancient Copper Mine in Tongling (28/03/2008)
- Site of Southern Yue State (28/03/2008)
- Site of the Qi State Capital and the Mausoleum of King of the Qi State at Linzi (28/03/2008)
- Sites for Liquor Making in China (28/03/2008)
- Sites of the Yuan Dynasty Upper Capital (Xanadu )and Middle Capital (28/03/2008)
- Slender West Lake and Historic Urban Area in Yangzhou (28/03/2008)
- Taklimakan Desert—Populus euphratica Forests (29/01/2010)
- The Alligator Sinensis Nature Reserve (12/02/1996)
- The Ancient Waterfront Towns in the South of Yangtze River (28/03/2008)
- The Four Sacred Mountains as an Extension of Mt. Taishan (07/04/2008)
- The Grand Canal (28/03/2008)
- The Lijiang River Scenic Zone at Guilin (12/02/1996)
- The Niuheliang Archaeological Site (28/03/2008)
- The protection zone of Chengjiang fossil lagerstätte (05/07/2005)
- The Rock Painting of the Mountain Huashan (28/03/2008)
- Wudalianchi Scenic Spots (29/11/2001)
- Yalong, Tibet (29/11/2001)
- Yandang Mountain (29/11/2001)
- Yangtze Gorges Scenic Spot (29/11/2001)
- Buritaca 200 - Ciudad Perdida - Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (29/10/1993)
- Parque Nacional Natural Chiribiquete (29/10/1993)
- Seaflower Marine Protected Area (MPA) (18/09/2007)
- Sistema Hidráulico Prehispánico del Río San Jorge (29/10/1993)
- Sistema Vial Andino/Qhapaq Ñan (26/07/2010)
- Ecosystèmes Marins de l'Archipel des Comores (31/01/2007)
- Ecosystèmes terrestres et paysage culturel de l'Archipel des Comores (31/01/2007)
- Sultanats Historiques des Comores (31/01/2007)
- Paysage Culturel des Plantations à Parfums des Iles de la Lune (31/01/2007)
- Ancien port d’embarquement des esclaves de Loango (12/06/2008)
- Domaine royal de Mbé (12/06/2008)
- Le Parc National de Conkouati-Douli (12/06/2008)
- Parc national d’Odzala-Kokoua (12/06/2008)
- Parc national de Nouabalé Ndoki (12/06/2008)
Costa Rica
- Corcovado National Park and Isla del Caño Biological Reserve (30/01/2003)
- Plenitude under the sky. Park of Pre-Colombian Stone Spheres (10/07/2001)
Côte d'Ivoire
- Parc archéologique d'Ahouakro (29/11/2006)
- Mosquées de style soudanais du Nord ivoirien (site en série) (29/11/2006)
- Ville historique de Grand Bassam (29/11/2006)
- Parc national des Iles Ehotilé (17/03/2006)
- City of Motovun (29/01/2007)
- Diocletian's Palace and the Historical Nucleus of Split (extension) (01/02/2005)
- Frontiers of the Roman Empire Croatian Limes (01/02/2005)
- Hermitage Blaca (29/01/2007)
- Historical-town planning ensemble of Ston with Mali Ston, connecting walls, the Mali Ston Bay nature reserve, Stonsko Polje and the salt pans (01/02/2005)
- Historical-Town Planning Ensemble Tvrda (Fort) in Osijek (01/02/2005)
- Kornati National Park and Telašćica Nature Park (29/01/2007)
- Lonjsko Polje Nature Park (01/02/2005)
- Lubenice (01/02/2005)
- Primošten Vineyards (29/01/2007)
- Stećci - Medieval Tombstones (21/04/2011)
- The historic town of Korčula (29/01/2007)
- Varazdin - Historic Nucleus and Old Town (the Castle) (01/02/2005)
- Velebit Mountain (01/02/2005)
- Zadar - Episcopal complex (01/02/2005)
- Ciénaga de Zapata National Park (28/02/2003)
- National Schools of Art, Cubanacán (28/02/2003)
- Reef System in the Cuban Caribbean (28/02/2003)
- Agia Paraskevi at Geroskipou (Five-domed churches) (02/02/2004)
- Agioi Varnavas and Ilarion at Peristerona (Five-domed churches) (02/02/2004)
- Church of Ayios Mamas, Louvaras (extension to "Painted Churches in the Troodos") (04/02/2002)
- Church of Ayios Sozomenos, Galata (extension to "Painted Churches in the Troodos Region") (04/02/2002)
- Church of Panayia Chrysokourdaliotissa, Kourdali (extension to "Painted Churches in the Troodos Region") (04/02/2002)
- Khandria (04/02/2002)
- Kionia (04/02/2002)
- Klirou Bridge (04/02/2002)
- Malounta Bridge (04/02/2002)
- Mathiatis South (04/02/2002)
- The rural settlement of Fikardou (04/02/2002)
- Troodos, Mt. Olympus (04/02/2002)
Czech Republic
- Extension of the World Heritage Site "Historic Centre of Prague" with the important Monuments in its Vicinity (06/07/2001)
- Fishpond Network in the Trebon Basin (19/01/2001)
- Mountain-top Hotel and Television Transmitter Ještěd (29/05/2007)
- Paper Mill at Velké Losiny (19/01/2001)
- Renaissance Houses at Slavonice (19/01/2001)
- Sites of Great Moravia: Slavonic Fortified Settlement at Mikulcice - Church of St.Margaret at Kopčani (06/07/2001)
- The Betlém Rock Sculptures near Kuks (06/07/2001)
- The Forstress of Terezín (06/07/2001)
- The Industrial Complexes at Ostrava (06/07/2001)
- The Karlstejn Castle (06/07/2001)
- The Spa at Luhacovice (06/07/2001)
- The West Bohemian Spa Triangle (25/06/2008)
- Žatec – the Hops Town (29/05/2007)
Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Dépression de l'Upemba (11/11/1997)
- Grottes de Dimba et Ngovo (11/11/1997)
- Grottes de Matupi (11/11/1997)
- Aasivissuit, Arnangarnup Qoorua (Greenlandic inland and coastal hunting area) (29/01/2003)
- Amalienborg and its district (01/09/1993)
- Christiansfeld (01/09/1993)
- Church ruin at Hvalsø, episcopal residence at Gardar, and Brattahlid (A Norse/Eskimo cultural landscape) (29/01/2003)
- Moler landscapes of the Liim Fiord (08/01/2010)
- Stevns Klint (08/01/2010)
- The International Wadden Sea (Danish-German-Dutch Wadden Sea) (29/01/2003)
- The Parforce Hunting landscape in North Zealand (08/01/2010)
- The Trelleborg fortresses (08/01/2010)
- VIKING MONUMENTS AND SITES / Jelling mounds, runic stones, palisade area and church (07/02/2011)
- VIKING MONUMENTS AND SITES / The Trelleborg fortresses, Denmark (07/02/2011)
Dominican Republic
- Archaeological and Historical National Park of Pueblo Viejo, La Vega (#) (21/11/2001)
- Archaeological and Historical National Park of the Villa of La Isabela, Puerto Plata (21/11/2001)
- Boca De Nigua Sugar Mill (#) [Ruta de Los Ingenios] (21/11/2001)
- City of Azúa de Compostela (21/11/2001)
- Historical Centre of Puerto Plata (21/11/2001)
- Jacagua, Villa of Santiago (21/11/2001)
- Jaragua National Park (21/11/2001)
- Montecristi (21/11/2001)
- Nuestra Señora de Monte Alegre or la Duquesa Sugar Mill [Ruta de Los Ingenios] (05/04/2002)
- Parque Nacional del Este (21/11/2001)
- Sanate Sugar Mill [Ruta de Los Ingenios] (05/04/2002)
- The Ancient Big House of Palavé [Ruta de Los Ingenios] (21/11/2001)
- The Ancient Diego Caballero Sugar Mill [Ruta de Los Ingenios] (05/04/2002)
- The Sugar Mill of Engombe [Ruta de Los Ingenios] (21/11/2001)
- Bosque petrificado de Puyango (30/06/1998)
- Ciudad de Zaruma (30/06/1998)
- Complejo de fortificaciones precolombinas de Pambamarca (30/06/1998)
- Lacs du Cajas et Ruines de Paredones (09/01/2003)
- Parque Nacional Machalilla (30/06/1998)
- Sistema Vial Andino/ Qhapaq Ñan (16/03/2011)
- Sitio arqueológico de Ingapirca (30/06/1998)
- Abydos, city of pilgrimage of the Pharaohs (28/07/2003)
- Alexandria, ancient remains and the new library (28/07/2003)
- Bird Migration Routes (12/06/2003)
- Dababiya (24/07/2008)
- Dahab (01/11/1994)
- Dahshour archaeological area (01/11/1994)
- Desert Wadis (12/06/2003)
- El Fayoum: Kom Aushim (Karanis), Dimai (Soknopaiounesos), Qasr Qarun (Dionysias), Batn I hrit (Theadelphia), Byahma-Medinet el Fayoum….. (01/11/1994)
- El-Gendi Fortress (01/11/1994)
- Gebel Qatrani Area, Lake Qaroun Nature Reserve (10/02/2003)
- Great Desert Landscapes (12/06/2003)
- Helwan Observatory (03/11/2010)
- Historic quarters and monuments of Rosetta/Rachid (28/07/2003)
- Minia (#) (01/11/1994)
- Mountain Chains (12/06/2003)
- Necropolises of Middle Egypt, from the Middle Empire to the Roman period (28/07/2003)
- Newibah castle (01/11/1994)
- North Sinai archaeological Sites Zone (01/11/1994)
- Oasis of Fayoum, hydraulic remains and ancient cultural landscapes (28/07/2003)
- Pharaon Island (01/11/1994)
- Pharaonic temples in Upper Egypt from the Ptolemaic and Roman periods (28/07/2003)
- Raoudha nilometre in Cairo (28/07/2003)
- Ras Mohammed (22/01/2002)
- Rutho Monastery (01/11/1994)
- Siwa archaeological area (01/11/1994)
- Southern and Smaller Oases, the Western Desert (12/06/2003)
- Temple of Hator built by Ramses III (01/11/1994)
- Temple of Serabit Khadem (#) (01/11/1994)
- The An-Nakhl fortress, a stage on the pilgrimage route to Mecca (28/07/2003)
- The monasteries of the Arab Desert and Wadi Natrun (28/07/2003)
- Two citadels in Sinai from the Saladin period (Al-Gundi and Phataoh's island) (28/07/2003)
- Wadi Feiran (01/11/1994)
El Salvador
- Cacaopera (21/09/1992)
- Cara Sucia / El Imposible (21/09/1992)
- Chalchuapa (21/09/1992)
- Ciudad Vieja / La Bermuda (21/09/1992)
- Gulf of Fonseca (21/09/1992)
- Lake Guija (21/09/1992)
- Qoahito Cultural Landscape (02/03/2011)
- The Historic Perimeter of Asmara and its Modernist Architecture (25/03/2005)
- Baltic Klint (06/01/2004)
- Kuressaare Fortress (18/04/2002)
- Soomaa (Peatland) National Park (06/01/2004)
- Wooded meadows (Laelatu, Kalli-Nedrema, Mäepea, Allika, Tagamoisa, Loode, Koiva, Halliste) (06/01/2004)
- Bale Mountains National Park (13/03/2008)
- Dirre Sheik Hussein Religious, Cultural and Historical Site (14/12/2011)
- Holqa Sof Omar: Natural and Cultural Heritage (Sof Omar: Caves of Mystery) (14/12/2012)
- Paimio Hospital (formerly Paimio Sanatorium) (28/01/2004)
- Saimaa-Pielinen Lake System (28/01/2004)
- The Carvings from historic time at the island of Gaddtarmen (Hauensuoli) (01/10/1990)
- The Holy place of worship of Ukonsaari by the Sami people at Inari (01/10/1990)
- The large Stone Age ruin of Kastelli at Pattijoki (01/10/1990)
- The Rock paintings of Astuvansalmi at Ristiina (01/10/1990)
- Nîmes, l'Antiquité au présent (04/04/2012)
- Chaîne des Puys et faille de Limagne (17/11/2011)
- Les Iles Marquises (22/06/2010)
- Le site sacré de Tapu-tapu-ātea /Te Pō, vallée de Ō-po-ä (31/05/2010)
- La Grotte ornée Chauvet-Pont d'Arc (29/06/2007)
- L’œuvre architecturale et urbaine de Le Corbusier (31/01/2006)
- Ancienne chocolaterie Menier à Noisiel (01/02/2002)
- Arsenal de Rochefort et fortifications de l'estuaire de la Charente (01/02/2002)
- Bassin minier du Nord-Pas-de-Calais (01/02/2002)
- Bouches de Bonifacio (01/02/2002)
- Cathédrale de Saint-Denis (20/09/1996)
- Centre ancien de Sarlat (01/02/2002)
- Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte (20/09/1996)
- Ensemble de grottes à concrétions du Sud de la France (08/06/2000)
- Hangar Y (01/02/2002)
- La Camargue (01/02/2002)
- Le chemin de fer de Cerdagne (01/02/2002)
- Le massif forestier de Fontainebleau (20/09/1996)
- Le rivage méditerranéen des Pyrénées (01/02/2002)
- Le vignoble Champenois (01/02/2002)
- Les villes antiques de la Narbonnaise et leur territoire : Nîmes, Arles, Glanum, aqueducs, via Domitia (01/02/2002)
- Les villes bastionnées des Pays-Bas du nord-ouest de l'Europe (#) (20/09/1996)
- Marais salants de Guérande (01/02/2002)
- Massif du Mont Blanc (08/06/2000)
- Mercantour / Alpi Marittime (01/02/2002)
- Montagne Sainte-Victoire et sites cézaniens (20/09/1996)
- Office National d'Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales, Meudon (01/02/2002)
- Parc national de la Vanoise (08/06/2000)
- Parc national de Port-Cros (01/02/2002)
- Parc national des Écrins (01/02/2002)
- Phare de Cordouan (01/02/2002)
- Rade de Marseille (01/02/2002)
- Rouen : ensemble urbain à pans de bois, cathédrale, église Saint-Ouen, église Saint Maclou (20/09/1996)
- Sites mégalithiques de Carnac (20/09/1996)
- Vignoble des côtes de Nuits et de Beaune (01/02/2002)
- Ancien Hôpital Albert Schweitzer de Lambaréné (27/01/2009)
- Grottes de Lastourville (20/10/2005)
- Parc national des Plateaux Batéké (20/10/2005)
- Parc National Moukalaba-Doudou (20/10/2005)
- Parc national des Monts Birougou (20/10/2005)
- Ecosystème et paysage culturel pygmée du massif de Minkébé (18/04/2003)
- Parc national d’Ivindo (20/10/2005)
- Alaverdi Cathedral (24/10/2007)
- Ananuri (24/10/2007)
- Colchis Wetlands and Forests (24/10/2007)
- David Gareji Monasteries and Hermitage (24/10/2007)
- Dmanisi Hominid Archaeological Site (24/10/2007)
- Gremi Church of Archangels and Royal Tower (24/10/2007)
- Kvetera Church (24/10/2007)
- Mta-Tusheti (24/10/2007)
- Nicortsminda Cathedral (24/10/2007)
- Samtavisi Cathedral (24/10/2007)
- Shatili (24/10/2007)
- Tbilisi Historic District (24/10/2007)
- Uplistsikhe Cave Town (24/10/2007)
- Vani (24/10/2007)
- Vardzia-Khertvisi (24/10/2007)
- L’œuvre architecturale et urbaine de Le Corbusier – deux maisons du Weissenhof-Siedlung à Stuttgart (01/02/2007)
- Francke Foundation Buildings (20/09/1999)
- Heidelberg Castle and Old Town (20/09/1999)
- Mining and Cultural Landscape (20/09/1999)
- Schwetzingen: A Prince Elector's Summer Residence - garden design and Freemasonic allusions (20/09/1999)
- Speicherstadt and Chilehaus with Kontorhaus District (20/09/1999)
- The Margravial Opera House Bayreuth - an outstanding place of the european musical culture (20/09/1999)
- The Naumburg Cathedral and the landscape of the rivers Saale and Unstrut an important dominion in the High Middle Ages (20/09/1999)
- VIKING MONUMENTS AND SITES / Danevirke and Hedeby (27/01/2011)
- Westwork and Civitas Corvey (20/09/1999)
- Kakum National Park (Assin Attandanso Reserve) (#) (17/01/2000)
- Mole National Park (17/01/2000)
- Navrongo Catholic Cathedral (#) (17/01/2000)
- Nzulezu Stilt Settlement (17/01/2000)
- Tenzug - Tallensi settlements (17/01/2000)
- Trade Pilgrimage Routes of North-Western Ghana (17/01/2000)
- Temple of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae
- Acropolis, Athens
- Archaeological Site of Delphi
- Medieval City of Rhodes
- Meteora
- Mount Athos
- Paleochristian and Byzantine Monuments of Thessalonika
- Sanctuary of Asklepios at Epidaurus
- Archaeological Site of Mystras
- Archaeological Site of Olympia
- Delos
- Monasteries of Daphni, Hosios Loukas and Nea Moni of Chios
- Pythagoreion and Heraion of Samos
- Archaeological Site of Aigai (modern name Vergina)
- Archaeological Sites of Mycenae and Tiryns
- Historic Centre (Chorá) with the Monastery of Saint John
- Old Town of Corfu
- Antigua Guatemala
- Tikal National Park
- Archaeological Park and Ruins of Quirigua
Mount Nimba Strict Nature ReserveHaiti
- National History Park – Citadel, Sans Souci, Ramiers
Holy See
- Historic Centre of Rome, the Properties of the Holy See in that City Enjoying Extraterritorial Rights and San Paolo Fuori le Mura
- Vatican City
- Maya Site of Copan
- Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve
- Budapest, including the Banks of the Danube, the Buda Castle Quarter and Andrássy Avenue
- Old Village of Hollókő and its Surroundings
- Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst
- Millenary Benedictine Abbey of Pannonhalma and its Natural Environment
- Hortobágy National Park - the Puszta
- Early Christian Necropolis of Pécs (Sopianae)
- Fertö / Neusiedlersee Cultural Landscape
- Tokaj Wine Region Historic Cultural Landscape
- Þingvellir National Park
- Surtsey
- Agra Fort
- Ajanta Caves
- Ellora Caves
- Taj Mahal
- Group of Monuments at Mahabalipuram
- Sun Temple, Konârak
- Kaziranga National Park
- Keoladeo National Park
- Manas Wildlife Sanctuary
- Churches and Convents of Goa
- Fatehpur Sikri
- Group of Monuments at Hampi
- Khajuraho Group of Monuments
- Elephanta Caves
- Great Living Chola Temples
- Group of Monuments at Pattadakal
- Sundarbans National Park
- Nanda Devi and Valley of Flowers National Parks
- Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi
- Humayun's Tomb, Delhi
- Qutb Minar and its Monuments, Delhi
- Mountain Railways of India
- Mahabodhi Temple Complex at Bodh Gaya
- Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka
- Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park
- Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (formerly Victoria Terminus)
- Red Fort Complex
- The Jantar Mantar, Jaipur
- Banda Islands (07/02/2005)
- Banten Ancient City (19/10/1995)
- Bawomataluo Site (06/10/2009)
- Belgica Fort (19/10/1995)
- Besakih (19/10/1995)
- Betung Kerihun National Park (Transborder Rainforest Heritage of Borneo) (02/02/2004)
- Bunaken National Park (07/02/2005)
- Cultural Landscape of Bali Province (18/01/2007)
- Derawan Islands (07/02/2005)
- Elephant Cave (19/10/1995)
- Great Mosque of Demak (19/10/1995)
- Gunongan Historical Park (19/10/1995)
- Muara Takus Compound Site (06/10/2009)
- Muarajambi Temple Compound (06/10/2009)
- Ngada traditional house and megalithic complex (19/10/1995)
- Penataran Hindu Temple Complex (19/10/1995)
- Prehistoric Cave Sites in Maros-Pangkep (06/10/2009)
- Pulau Penyengat Palace Complex (19/10/1995)
- Ratu Boko Temple Complex (19/10/1995)
- Sukuh Hindu Temple (19/10/1995)
- Taka Bonerate National Park (07/02/2005)
- Tana Toraja Traditional Settlement (06/10/2009)
- Trowulan - Former Capital City of Majapahit Kingdom (06/10/2009)
- Wakatobi National Park (07/02/2005)
- Waruga Burial Complex (19/10/1995)
- Yogyakarta Palace Complex (19/10/1995)
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
- Alisadr Cave (09/08/2007)
- Arasbaran Protected Area (09/08/2007)
- Bastam and Kharghan (09/08/2007)
- Bazaar of Qaisariye in Laar (09/08/2007)
- Cultural Landscape of Alamout (09/08/2007)
- Damavand (05/02/2008)
- Firuzabad Ensemble (22/05/1997)
- Ghaznavi- Seljukian Axis in Khorasan (09/08/2007)
- Golestan National Park (09/08/2007)
- Hamoun Lake (05/02/2008)
- Harra Protected Area (05/02/2008)
- Hegmataneh (05/02/2008)
- Historic ensemble of Qasr-e Shirin (22/05/1997)
- Historic Monument of Kangavar (09/08/2007)
- Historic-Natural Axis of Isfahan City (09/08/2007)
- Historical Ensemble of Qasr-e Shirin (09/08/2007)
- Hyrcanian Forest (Caspian Forest) (09/08/2007)
- Jame' (Congregational) Mosque of Esfahan (22/05/1997)
- Jiroft (09/08/2007)
- Kaboud Mosque (09/08/2007)
- Kerman Historical-Cultural Structure (05/02/2008)
- Khabr National Park and Ruchun Wildlife Refuge (09/08/2007)
- Khorramabad Valley (09/08/2007)
- Kuh-e Khuaja (08/09/2007)
- Lut Desert (the vicinity of Shahdad) (09/08/2007)
- Nasqsh-e Rostam and Naqsh-e Rajab (22/05/1997)
- Persepolis and other relevant buildings (09/08/2007)
- Qanats of Gonabad (09/08/2007)
- Qeshm Island (09/08/2007)
- Sabalan (09/08/2007)
- Shahr-e Sukhteh (09/08/2007)
- Shush (22/05/1997)
- Silk Route (Also as Silk Road) (05/02/2008)
- Susa (09/08/2007)
- Tape Sialk (22/05/1997)
- Taq-e Bostan (09/08/2007)
- The Collection of Historical Bridges (05/02/2008)
- The Complex of Handmade Settlements in Iran (Maymand Village) (09/08/2007)
- The Complex of Izadkhast (09/08/2007)
- The Cultural Landscape of Uramanat (09/08/2007)
- The Cultural-Natural Landscape of Ramsar (09/08/2007)
- The Ensemble of Historical Sassanian Cities in Fars Province (Bishabpur, Firouzabad, Sarvestan) (09/08/2007)
- The Historical City of Masouleh (09/08/2007)
- The Historical City of Maybod (09/08/2007)
- The Historical Port of Siraf (09/08/2007)
- The Historical Structure of Yazd (09/08/2007)
- The Historical Texture of Damghan (09/08/2007)
- The Historical Village of Abyaneh (09/08/2007)
- The Historical–Cultural Axis of Fin, Sialk, Kashan (09/08/2007)
- The Natural-Historical Landscape of Izeh (05/02/2008)
- The Sepulcher Towers (Gonbad-e Ghabous) (05/02/2008)
- The Zandiyeh Ensemble of Fars Province (05/02/2008)
- Touran Biosphere Reserve (05/02/2008)
- Tous Cultural Landscape (09/08/2007)
- Zozan (09/08/2007)
- Amedy city (02/02/2011)
- Erbil Citadel (08/01/2010)
- Nimrud (07/07/2000)
- The Ancient City of Nineveh (07/07/2000)
- The Fortress of Al-Ukhaidar (07/07/2000)
- The Marshlands of Mesopotamia (29/10/2003)
- The Sacred Complex of Babylon
- The Site of Thilkifl (21/01/2010)
- Ur (07/07/2000)
- Wadi Al-Salam Cemetery in Najaf (24/01/2011)
- Wasit (07/07/2000)
- Early Medieval Monastic Sites (08/04/2010)
- The Burren (08/04/2010)
- The Céide Fields and North West Mayo Boglands (08/04/2010)
- The Historic City of Dublin (08/04/2010)
- The Monastic City of Clonmacnoise and its Cultural Landscape (08/04/2010)
- The Royal Sites of Ireland: Cashel, Dún Ailinne, Hill of Uisneach, Rathcroghan Complex, and Tara Complex (08/04/2010)
- Western Stone Forts (08/04/2010)
- Arbel (arbel, nebe shueb, horns of hittim) (30/06/2000)
- Bet She'an (30/06/2000)
- Beth She'arim (31/01/2002)
- Caesarea (30/06/2000)
- Degania & Nahalal (30/06/2000)
- Early Synagogues in the Galilee (30/06/2000)
- Horvat Minnim (30/06/2000)
- Jerusalem* (30/06/2000)
- Makhteshim Country (30/09/2001)
- Mount Karkom (30/06/2000)
- Pre-historic Sites: Ubadiyya, Sha'ar Hagolan, Mount Carmel (30/06/2000)
- Region of the Caves & Hiding: bet Guvrin-Maresha (30/06/2000)
- Sea of Galilee & its Ancient Sites (30/06/2000)
- The Crusader Fortresses (30/06/2000)
- The Galilee Journeys of Jesus & the Apostles (30/06/2000)
- The Great Rift Valley - migratory routes - The Hula (15/04/2004)
- Timna (30/06/2000)
- Triple-arch Gate at Dan & Sources of the Jordan (30/06/2000)
- White Mosque in Ramle (30/06/2000)
- Massif du Mont-Blanc (inscription comme patrimoine naturel transfrontalier, avec France et Suisse) (30/01/2008)
- Arab-Norman Palermo and the cathedral churches of Cefalù’ and Monreale (18/10/2010)
- Archipelago of La Maddalena and Islands of Bocche di Bonifacio (01/06/2006)
- Bradyseism in the Flegrea Area (01/06/2006)
- Cascata delle Marmore and Valnerina: Monastic sites and ancient hydrogeological reclamation works (01/06/2006)
- Cattolica Monastery in Stilo and Basilian-Byzantine complexes (01/06/2006)
- Citadel of Alessandria (01/06/2006)
- Fortress Town of Palmanova (01/06/2006)
- Hanbury botanical gardens (01/06/2006)
- Historic Centre of Lucca (01/06/2006)
- Historic Centre of Parma (01/06/2006)
- Historic centre of Pavia and Chartreuse (01/06/2006)
- Island of Asinara (01/06/2006)
- Karstic caves in prehistoric Apulia (01/06/2006)
- Lake Maggiore and Lake D'Orta lakelands (01/06/2006)
- Monte Sant' Angelo and the Via Sacra Langobardorum (01/06/2006)
- Mothia Island and Lilibeo: The Phoenician-Punic Civilization in Italy (01/06/2006)
- Mount Etna (26/01/2011)
- Orvieto (01/06/2006)
- Parco Nazionale della Sila – Sila, gran bosco d’Italia (31/01/2012)
- Pelagos: The Cetacean Sanctuary (01/06/2006)
- Ponds in the Bay of Oristano and the Sinis Peninsula island of Mal di Ventre (01/06/2006)
- Romanesque Cathedrals in Puglia (01/06/2006)
- Salento and the "Barocco Leccese" (01/06/2006)
- Scrovegni's Chapel (01/06/2006)
- Sulcis Iglesiente (01/06/2006)
- Taormina and Isola Bella (01/06/2006)
- The Aniene valley and Villa Gregoriana in Tivoli (01/06/2006)
- The city of Bergamo (01/06/2006)
- The Lower Palaeolithic Palaeosurfaces at Isernia-La Pineta and Notarchirico (01/06/2006)
- The Marble Basin of Carrara (01/06/2006)
- The Murge of Altamura (01/06/2006)
- The Porticoes of Bologna (01/06/2006)
- The Prosecco Hills of Conegliano and Valdobbiadene. (Le Colline del Prosecco di Conegliano e Valdobbiadene (05/10/2010)
- The Transhumance: The Royal Shepherd's Track (01/06/2006)
- Via Appia "Regina Viarum" (01/06/2006)
- Villas of the Papal Nobility (01/06/2006)
- Volterra: Historical City and Cultural Landscape (01/06/2006)
- Wine Grape landscapes: Langhe, Roero, Monferrato and Valtellina (01/06/2006)
- Asuka-Fujiwara: Archaeological sites of Japan’s Ancient Capitals and Related Properties (30/01/2007)
- Churches and Christian Sites in Nagasaki (30/01/2007)
- Hikone-Jo (castle) (01/10/1992)
- Jômon Archaeological Sites in Hokkaidô, Northern Tôhoku, and other regions (05/01/2009)
- Main Building of the National Museum of Western Art (14/09/2007)
- Mozu-Furuichi Kofungun, Ancient Tumulus Clusters (22/11/2010)
- Okinoshima Island and Related Sites in Munakata Region (05/01/2009)
- The Modern Industrial Heritage Sites in Kyûshû and Yamaguchi (05/01/2009)
- The Sado complex of heritage mines, primarily gold mines (22/11/2010)
- The Tomioka Silk Mill and Related Industrial Heritage (30/01/2007)
Jerusalem (Site proposed by Jordan)
- Abila City (Modern Qweilbeh) (18/06/2001)
- Al Qastal (Settlement) (18/06/2001)
- Azraq (11/05/2007)
- Dana Biosphere Reserve (11/05/2007)
- Gadara (Modern Um Qeis or Qays) (18/06/2001)
- Jerash Archaeological City (Ancient Meeting Place of East and West) (13/01/2004)
- Mujib Nature Reserve (11/05/2007)
- Old City of Salt (13/01/2004)
- Pella (Modern Tabaqat Fahil) (18/06/2001)
- Qasr Al-Mushatta (18/06/2001)
- Qasr Bshir (a Roman Castellum) (18/06/2001)
- Shaubak Castle (Montreal) (18/06/2001)
- The Baptismal Site (Bethany beyond the Jordan) (18/06/2001)
- The Sanctuary of Agios Lot, At Deir 'Ain 'Abata (18/06/2001)
- Um el-Jimal (City) (18/06/2001)
- Aksu-Zhabagly state natural reserve (06/02/2002)
- Archaeological sites of Otrar oasis (24/09/1998)
- Barrows with stone ranges of the Tasmola culture (24/09/1998)
- Cultural landscape of Ulytau (24/09/1998)
- Megalithic mausolea of the Begazy-Dandybai culture (24/09/1998)
- Northern Tyan-Shan (Ile-Alatau State National Park) (06/02/2002)
- Paleolithic sites and geomorphology of Karatau mountain range (24/09/1998)
- Petroglyphs of Arpa-Uzen (24/09/1998)
- Petroglyphs of Eshkiolmes (24/09/1998)
- State National Natural Park "Altyn-Emel" (06/02/2002)
- Turkic sanctuary of Merke (24/09/1998)
- Western Tien-Shan (01/02/2010)
- Aberdare Mountains (12/02/2010)
- Lake Bogoria National Reserve (16/08/1999)
- Lake Naivasha (16/08/1999)
- Lake Nakuru National Park (16/08/1999)
- Mombasa Old Town (26/06/1997)
- Mount Kenya National Park/ Natural Forest / Lewa Wildlife Conservancy (extension) (12/02/2010)
- The African Great Rift Valley - Hell’s Gate National Park (12/02/2010)
- The African Great Rift Valley - Olorgesailie Prehistoric Site (12/02/2010)
- The African Great Rift Valley - The Maasai Mara (12/02/2010)
- The African Great Rift Valley - The Marakwet Escarpment Furrow Irrigation System (12/02/2010)
- The Eastern Arc Coastal Forests (Arabuko-Sokoke Forest and Shimba Hills National Reserve) (12/02/2010)
- The Great Rift Valley - The Kenya Lakes System (12/02/2010)
- The Historic Town of Gedi (12/02/2010)
- The Kakemega Forest (12/02/2010)
- The Meru Conservation Area (12/02/2010)
- The Mfangano-Rusinga Island Complex (12/02/2010)
- The Tana Delta and Forests Complex (12/02/2010)
- The Thimlich Ohinga Cultural Landscape (12/02/2010)
- Tsavo Parks and Chyulu Hills Complex (12/02/2010)
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
- Caves in Kujang Area (25/05/2000)
- Historical Relics in Pyongyang (25/05/2000)
- Mt. Chilbo (25/05/2000)
- Mt. Kumgang and the Historical Relics in and around the Mountain (25/05/2000)
- Mt. Myohyang and the Relics in and around the Mountain (25/05/2000)
Korea, Republic of
- Ancient Mountain Fortresses in Central Korea (11/01/2010)
- Daegokcheon Stream Petroglyphs (11/01/2010)
- Gongju and Buyeo Historic Sites (11/01/2010)
- Iksan Historic Areas (11/01/2010)
- Kangjingun Kiln Sites (01/09/1994)
- Mt. Soraksan Nature Reserve (01/09/1994)
- Naganeupseong, Town Fortress and Village (11/03/2011)
- Namhansanseong - Ancient Fortified Military and Cultural Landscape of Mt. Namhansan (11/01/2010)
- Oeam Village (11/03/2011)
- Salterns (11/01/2010)
- Seowon, Confucian Academies of Korea (09/12/2011)
- Sites of fossilized dinosaurs throughout the Southern seacoast (25/01/2002)
- Southwestern Coast Tidal Flats (11/01/2010)
- Upo Wetland (11/01/2011)
- Saimaly-Tash Petroglyphs (29/01/2001)
- Silk Roads Sites in Kyrgyzstan (19/02/2010)
- Western Tien-Shan (19/02/2010)
Lao People's Democratic Republic
- Town of Luang Prabang
- Vat Phou and Associated Ancient Settlements within the Champasak Cultural Landscape
- Historic Centre of Riga
- Struve Geodetic Arc
- Anjar
- Baalbek
- Byblos
- Tyre
- Ouadi Qadisha (the Holy Valley) and the Forest of the Cedars of God (Horsh Arz el-Rab)
- Archaeological Site of Cyrene
- Archaeological Site of Leptis Magna
- Archaeological Site of Sabratha
- Rock-Art Sites of Tadrart Acacus
- Old Town of Ghadamès
- Vilnius Historic Centre
- Curonian Spit
- Kernavė Archaeological Site (Cultural Reserve of Kernavė)
- Struve Geodetic Arc
- City of Luxembourg: its Old Quarters and Fortifications
- Tsingy de Bemaraha Strict Nature Reserve
- Royal Hill of Ambohimanga
- Rainforests of the Atsinanana
- Lake Malawi National Park
- Chongoni Rock-Art Area
- Gunung Mulu National Park
- Kinabalu Park
- Melaka and George Town, Historic Cities of the Straits of Malacca
- Old Towns of Djenné
- Timbuktu
- Cliff of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons)
- Tomb of Askia
- Cittadella (Victoria - Gozo) (19/05/1998)
- Coastal Cliffs (19/05/1998)
- Knights' Fortifications around the Harbours of Malta (19/05/1998)
- Maltese Catacomb Complexes (27/08/1998)
- Mdina (Citta' Vecchia)
- Qawra/Dwejra (19/05/1998)
- Victoria Lines Fortifications (27/08/1998)
Marshall Islands
- Likiep Village Historic District (24/10/2005)
- Mili Atoll Nature Conservancy (and Nadrikdrik) (24/10/2005)
- Northern Marshall Islands Atolls (24/10/2005)
- Paysage culturel d'Azougui (14/06/2001)
- Site archéologique de Kumbi Saleh (14/06/2001)
- Site archéologique de Tegdaoust (14/06/2001)
- Black River Georges National Park (17/05/2006)
- Réserve de la Biosphère Banco Chinchorro (06/12/2004)
- Aire de protection de la flore et de la faune Cuatrociénegas (06/12/2004)
- Aqueduct of Padre Tembleque (20/11/2001)
- Archipelago of Revillagigedo (15/10/2008)
- Chapultepec Woods, Hill and Castle (20/11/2001)
- Church of Santa Prisca and its Surroundings (20/11/2001)
- Churches in the Zoque Province, Chiapas (20/11/2001)
- Complex formed by the Franciscan Convent and Our Lady of the Assumption Cathedral, Tlaxcala (as an extension of Popocateptl) (06/12/2004)
- Cuetzalan and its Historical, Cultural and Natural Surrounding (27/09/2006)
- Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo's Home-Study Museum (20/11/2001)
- El Arco del Tiempo del Río La Venta (06/10/2010)
- Fundidora Monterrey Blast Furnaces (15/10/2008)
- Great City of Chicomostoc-La Quemada (20/11/2001)
- Historic Town of Alamos (20/11/2001)
- Historic Town of San Sebastián del Oeste (20/11/2001)
- Historical city of Izamal (Izamal, Mayan continuity in an Historical City) (15/10/2008)
- Historical Town The Royal of the Eleven Thousand Virgins of Cosala in Sinaloa (06/12/2004)
- Huichol Route through the sacred sites to Huiricuta (Tatehuari Huajuye) (06/12/2004)
- Industrial complex of the textile factory La Constancia Mexicana and its housing area (06/12/2004)
- Las Pozas, Xilitla (30/11/2009)
- Los Petenes-Ría Celestún (15/10/2008)
- Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe and Felix Candela's Industrial Buildings (20/11/2001)
- Pre-Hispanic City of Cantona (20/11/2001)
- Railway Station in the City of Aguascalientes and its Housing Complex (20/11/2001)
- Région Lacan-Tún – Usumacinta (06/12/2004)
- Réserve de la Biosphère El Pinacate et le Grand désert d’Altar (06/12/2004)
- San Luis Potosí on the Mercury and Silver Route of the Intercontinental Camino Real (22/06/2007)
- Tecoaque (06/12/2004)
- The Ahuehuete Tree of Santa María del Tule (20/11/2001)
- Vallée des Cierges (06/12/2004)
- Wetlands of Centla and Términos (15/10/2008)
- Ceremonial Centres of the Early Micronesian States: Nan Madol and Lelu (03/01/2012)
- Yapese Disk Money Regional Sites (29/12/2004)
Moldova, Republic of
- The Cultural Landscape Orheiul Vechi (30/11/2007)
- The Typical Crernozem Soils of the Balti Steppe (19/09/2011)
- Amarbayasgalant monastery and sacred cultural landscape (01/08/1996)
- Gobi Gurvansaikhan Desert Fossil (01/08/1996)
- Great Gobi Desert (01/08/1996)
- Khoit tsenkher cave rock painting (01/08/1996)
- Khovsgol lake Tsaatan Shamanistic Landscape (01/08/1996)
- Mongolia Sacred Mountains: Bogd Khan, Burkhan Khaldun, Otgon Tenger (01/08/1996)
- The Upper Tsagaan Gol Complex (08/12/2009)
- Tsagaan salaa rock painting (01/08/1996)
- Cetinje Historic Core (06/07/2010)
- Doclea (06/07/2010)
- Old Town of Bar (06/07/2010)
- Stećci - Medieval Tombstones (21/04/2011)
- ’Biogradska gora’ National Park (09/11/2010)
- Oasis de Figuig (30/05/2011)
- L’ensemble historique de Rabat : un patrimoine partagé (12/04/2010)
- Aire du Dragonnier Ajgal (12/10/1998)
- El Gour (01/07/1995)
- Grotte de Taforalt (01/07/1995)
- Lagune de Khnifiss (12/10/1998)
- Mosquée de Tinmel (01/07/1995)
- Moulay Idriss Zerhoun (01/07/1995)
- Parc national de Dakhla (12/10/1998)
- Parc naturel de Talassemtane (12/10/1998)
- Taza et la Grande Mosquée (01/07/1995)
- Ville de Lixus (01/07/1995)
- Manyikeni and Chibuene (15/09/1997)
- Ponta de Ouro Protected Marine Area (20/08/2008)
- The Quirimbas Archipelago (20/08/2008)
- Vumba Mountain Range (20/08/2008)
- Ancient cities of Upper Myanmar: Innwa, Amarapura, Sagaing, Mingun, Mandalay (04/10/1996)
- Badah-lin and associated caves (04/10/1996)
- Bagan Archaeological Area and Monuments (04/10/1996)
- Inle Lake (04/10/1996)
- Mon cities: Bago, Hanthawaddy (04/10/1996)
- Myauk-U Archaeological Area and Monuments (04/10/1996)
- Pyu Cities: Beikthano-Myo, Halin, Tharay-Khit-taya (Sri Ksetra) (04/10/1996)
- Wooden Monasteries of Konbaung Period: Ohn Don, Sala, Pakhangyi, Pakhannge, Legaing, Sagu, Shwe-Kyaung (Mandalay) (04/10/1996)
- Twyfelfontein or /Ui-//aes
- Namib Sand Sea
- Kathmandu Valley
- Sagarmatha National Park
- Chitwan National Park
- Lumbini, the Birthplace of the Lord Buddha
- Schokland and Surroundings
- Defence Line of Amsterdam
- Historic Area of Willemstad, Inner City and Harbour, Curaçao
- Mill Network at Kinderdijk-Elshout
- Ir.D.F. Woudagemaal (D.F. Wouda Steam Pumping Station)
- Droogmakerij de Beemster (Beemster Polder)
- Rietveld Schröderhuis (Rietveld Schröder House)
- The Wadden Sea
- Seventeenth-century canal ring area of Amsterdam inside the Singelgracht
New Zealand
- Te Wahipounamu – South West New Zealand
- Tongariro National Park
- New Zealand Sub-Antarctic Islands
- Ruins of León Viejo
- León Cathedral
- Air and Ténéré Natural Reserves
- W National Park of Niger
- Sukur Cultural Landscape
- Osun-Osogbo Sacred Grove
- Bryggen
- Urnes Stave Church
- Røros Mining Town and the Circumference
- Rock Art of Alta
- Vegaøyan -- The Vega Archipelago
- Struve Geodetic Arc
- West Norwegian Fjords – Geirangerfjord and Nærøyfjord
- Bahla Fort
- Archaeological Sites of Bat, Al-Khutm and Al-Ayn
- Arabian Oryx Sanctuary Delisted 2007
- Land of Frankincense
- Aflaj Irrigation Systems of Oman
- Archaeological Ruins at Moenjodaro
- Buddhist Ruins of Takht-i-Bahi and Neighbouring City Remains at Sahr-i-Bahlol
- Taxila
- Fort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore
- Historical Monuments at Makli, Thatta
- Rohtas Fort
- Fortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo
- Darien National Park
- Talamanca Range-La Amistad Reserves / La Amistad National Park
- Archaeological Site of Panamá Viejo and Historic District of Panamá
- Coiba National Park and its Special Zone of Marine Protection
Papua New Guinea
- Kuk Early Agricultural Site
- Jesuit Missions of La Santísima Trinidad de Paraná and Jesús de Tavarangue
- City of Cuzco
- Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu
- Chavin (Archaeological Site)
- Huascarán National Park
- Chan Chan Archaeological Zone
- Manú National Park
- Historic Centre of Lima
- Río Abiseo National Park
- Lines and Geoglyphs of Nasca and Pampas de Jumana
- Historical Centre of the City of Arequipa
- Sacred City of Caral-Supe
- Baroque Churches of the Philippines
- Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park
- Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras
- Historic Town of Vigan
- Puerto-Princesa Subterranean River National Park
- Cracow's Historic Centre
- Wieliczka Salt Mine
- Auschwitz Birkenau
German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940-1945) - Belovezhskaya Pushcha / Białowieża Forest
- Historic Centre of Warsaw
- Old City of Zamość
- Castle of the Teutonic Order in Malbork - Замок Тевтонского Ордена в городе Мальборк (1)
- Medieval Town of Toruń
- Kalwaria Zebrzydowska: the Mannerist Architectural and Park Landscape Complex and Pilgrimage Park
- Churches of Peace in Jawor and Świdnica
- Wooden Churches of Southern Little Poland
- Muskauer Park / Park Mużakowski
- Centennial Hall in Wrocław
- Central Zone of the Town of Angra do Heroismo in the Azores
- Convent of Christ in Tomar
- Monastery of Batalha
- Monastery of the Hieronymites and Tower of Belém in Lisbon
- Historic Centre of Évora
- Monastery of Alcobaça
- Cultural Landscape of Sintra
- Historic Centre of Oporto
- Prehistoric Rock Art Sites in the Côa Valley and Siega Verde
- Laurisilva of Madeira
- Alto Douro Wine Region
- Historic Centre of Guimarães
- Landscape of the Pico Island Vineyard Culture
- Danube Delta
- Churches of Moldavia
- Monastery of Horezu
- Villages with Fortified Churches in Transylvania
- Dacian Fortresses of the Orastie Mountains
- Historic Centre of Sighişoara
- Wooden Churches of Maramureş
Russian Federation
- Architectural and Park Ensemble "Tsar's Country Estate Izmaylovo" (21/04/2011)
- Bashkir Ural (30/01/2012)
- Bikin River Valley (Extension of the "Central Sikhote-Alin") (19/11/2010)
- Cathedral of Christ the Saviour (09/10/1998)
- Centre historique d'Irkoutsk (30/09/1998)
- Daurian Steppes (Daursky State Biosphere Reserve) (07/02/2005)
- Ensemble of the Astrakhan Kremlin (28/04/2008)
- Great Pskov (25/01/2002)
- Historic Center of the Yenisseisk (20/07/2000)
- Historical and Cultural Jeyrakh-Assa Reservation (15/05/1996)
- Krasnoyarsk Stolby (06/03/2007)
- Magadansky State Nature Reserve (07/02/2005)
- Nature Park "Lena Pillars" (11/07/2006)
- Petroglyphs of Sikachi-Alyan (31/01/2003)
- Railway Bridge Over Yenissey River (20/07/2000)
- Rostov Kremlin (22/10/1998)
- Russian Kremlins (29/01/2010)
- The archeological site of Tanais (24/02/2009)
- The architectural and historical complex "Shelter of count N.P. Cheremetev" (15/05/1996)
- The Bolgar historical-architectural complex (31/08/1998)
- The Commander Islands (Comandorsky State Nature Reserve) (07/02/2005)
- The ensemble of former city building of Sviyazhsk (31/08/1998)
- The Great Vasyugan Mire (06/03/2007)
- The Ilmensky mountains (11/08/2008)
- The National Park of Vodlozerof (15/05/1996)
- The Valamo archipelago (15/05/1996)
Saint Kitts and Nevis
- City of Charlestown (17/09/1998)
- Historic zone of Basseterre (17/09/1998)
Saint Lucia
- Fagaloa Bay - Uafato Tiavea Conservation Zone (21/12/2006)
- Manono, Apolima and Nuulopa Cultural Landscape (21/12/2006)
San Marino
Saudi Arabia
Historical Area of Jeddah (28/11/2006)
- Architecture rurale de Basse-Casamance : Les cases à impluvium du royaume Bandial (18/11/2005)
- L'Aéropostale (18/11/2005)
- L'île de Carabane (18/11/2005)
- Le Lac Rose (18/11/2005)
- Le Pays Bassari : traditions culturelles bassari, bedik, koniagui, bapen (18/11/2005)
- Le Vieux Rufisque (18/11/2005)
- Les Escales du Fleuve Sénégal (18/11/2005)
- Les tumulus de Cekeen (18/11/2005)
- Parc National des îles de la Madeleine (18/11/2005)
- Caričin Grad – Iustiniana Prima, archaeological site (15/04/2010)
- Djerdap National Park (18/03/2002)
- Fortified Manasija Monastery (15/04/2010)
- Historical place of Bač and its Surroundings (15/04/2010)
- Mt. Sara National Park (18/03/2002)
- Negotinske Pivnice (15/04/2010)
- Smederevo Fortress (15/04/2010)
- Stećak's - Medieval Tombstones (07/05/2011)
- The Deliblato Sands Special Natural Reserve (18/03/2002)
- The Djavolja Varos (Devil's Town) Natural Landmark (18/03/2002)
- The Tara National Park with the Drina River Canyon (18/03/2002)
- Extension of the location of Spišský hrad and its associated cultural monuments with Levoča and the work of Master Paul in Spiš (12/06/2002)
- Fungal Flora of Bukovské Hills (12/06/2002)
- Gemer and Abov churches with the medieval wall paintings (01/10/1995)
- Geyser in Herlany (12/06/2002)
- Karst Valleys of Slovakia (12/06/2002)
- Limes Romanus - The Roman antique monuments on the Middle Danube (12/06/2002)
- Natural and Cultural Landscape of Danube Region (12/06/2002)
- Natural Reserves of Tatras Mountain
- Original Meadow - Pasture Sites of Slovakia (11/02/2002)
- Sites of Great Moravia: Slavonic Fortified Settlement at Mikulčice – Church of St. Margaret at Kopčany (30/01/2007)
- System of Fortifications at the Confluence of the Rivers Danube and Váh in Komárno - Komárom (12/06/2002)
- The concept of the lenticular historical town core of Košice City (12/06/2002)
- The Memorial of Chatam Sófer (12/06/2002)
- Tokaj Wine Region (06/02/2002)
- Classic Karst (09/12/1994)
- Franja Partisan Hospital (16/06/2000)
- Fuzina Hills in Bohinj (09/12/1994)
- Idrija on the Mercury Route of the Intercontinental Camino Real (18/06/2007)
Solomon Islands
- Marovo - Tetepare Complex (23/12/2008)
- Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Solomon Islands (23/12/2008)
South Africa
- Alexandria Coastal Dunefields (08/07/2009)
- Cape Floral Region Protected Areas (08/07/2009)
- Kimberley Mines and Associated Early Industries (15/05/2004)
- Liberation Heritage Route (08/07/2009)
- Pilgrim's Rest Reduction Works Industrial Heritage Site (15/05/2004)
- Pleistocene occupation sites of Klasies River, Border Cave, Wonderwerk Cave and comparable sites relating to the emergence of modern humans (30/06/1998)
- Succulent Karoo Protected Areas (08/07/2009)
- The !Xam Khomani Heartland (15/05/2004)
- The Barberton Mountain Land, Barberton Greenstone Belt or Makhonjwa Mountains (08/07/2009)
- The Cape Arc of Meridian (08/07/2009)
- The Cape Winelands Cultural Landscape (08/07/2009)
- The Namaqualand Copper Mining Landscape (08/07/2009)
- The Prince Edward Islands (08/07/2009)
- Plasencia - Monfragüe - Trujillo : Paysage méditerranéen (03/02/2009)
- Almadén on the Mercury Route of the Intercontinental Camino Real (27/04/2007)
- Ancares – Somiedo (27/04/2007)
- Antequera Dolmen Sites (27/01/2012)
- Bulwarked Frontier Fortifications (26/06/1998)
- Cultural Itinerary of Francis Xavier (23/01/2001)
- Dinosaur Ichnite Sites of the Iberian Peninsula (20/12/2002)
- El Ferrol of the Illustration Historical Heritage (27/04/2007)
- Greek Archaeological ensemble in Empúries, l'Escala, Girona (20/12/2002)
- Historic City-Centre of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (27/04/2007)
- Jaén Cathedral (extension of the Renaissance Monumental Ensembles of Úbeda and Baeza) (27/01/2012)
- Loarre Castle (27/04/2007)
- Mediterranean Wind Mills (26/06/1998)
- Mesta Livestock trails (27/04/2007)
- Mining Historical Heritage (27/04/2007)
- Renaissance and Baroque Arch in the City of Granada (extension of Granada) (27/04/2007)
- Roman Ways. Itineraries of the Roman Empire (27/04/2007)
- Romanesque Cultural Enclave in the North of Castile-Leon and the South of Cantabria (26/06/1998)
- The Architecture of Dry Built Stone (26/06/1998)
- The Mediterranean Facet of the Pyrenees (France-Spain) (22/11/2004)
- The Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial and Natural Surroundings (26/06/1998)
- The Northern or Primitive Route (extension of the Route of Santiago de Compostella) (27/04/2007)
- The Ribeira Sacra, Lugo and Orense (16/07/1996)
- The Silver Route (26/06/1998)
- Valle Salado de Añana (27/01/2012)
- Wine and Vineyard Cultural Itinerary through Mediterranean Towns (26/06/1998)
Sri Lanka
- Seruwila Mangala Raja Maha Vihara (30/10/2006)
- Seruwila to Sri Pada (Sacred Foot Print Shrine), Ancient pilgrim route along the Mahaweli river in Sri Lanka (29/04/2010)
- Dinder National Park (28/09/2004)
- Kerma (01/09/1994)
- Old Dongola (01/09/1994)
- Sanganeb National Park (28/09/2004)
- Suakin (01/09/1994)
- Wadi Howar National Park (28/09/2004)
The settlement of Joden Savanne and Cassipora cemetery (30/06/1998)
Ngwenya Mines (31/12/2008)
- Farms of Hälsingland, Hälsingland countryside (12/12/2005)
- The Rise of Systematic Biology (02/12/2009)
- VIKING MONUMENTS AND SITES / Birka and Hovgården (01/02/2011)
- Œuvre urbaine et architecturale de Le Corbusier (28/12/2004)
Syrian Arab Republic
- Noréas de Hama (08/06/1999)
- Ebla (Tell Mardikh) (08/06/1999)
- Apamée (Afamia) (08/06/1999)
- Maaloula (08/06/1999)
- Tartus : la cité-citadelle des Croisés (08/06/1999)
- Dura Europos (08/06/1999)
- L'île d'Arwad (08/06/1999)
- Mari (Tell Hariri) (08/06/1999)
- Raqqa-Ràfiqa : la cité abbasside (08/06/1999)
- Ugrarit (Tell Shamra) (08/06/1999)
- Un Château du désert : Qasr al-Hayr ach-Charqi (08/06/1999)
- Buddhistic cloister of Ajina-Tepa (09/11/1999)
- Fann mountains (04/04/2006)
- Mausoleum of "Amir Khamza Khasti Podshoh" (09/11/1999)
- Mausoleum of "Hodja Nashron" (09/11/1999)
- Mausoleum of "Khoja Mashkhad" (09/11/1999)
- Mausoleum of "Mukhammad Bashoro" (09/11/1999)
- Palace of the governor of Khulbuk (09/11/1999)
- State reserve Dashti Djum (04/04/2006)
- The Site of Ancient Town of Baitudasht IV (09/11/1999)
- The Site of Ancient Town of Pyanjekent (09/11/1999)
- The Site of Ancient Town of Shahristan (Kahkakha) (09/11/1999)
- The Site of Ancient Town of Takhti-Sangin (09/11/1999)
- Tigrovaya Balka (04/04/2006)
- Zakaznik Kusavlisay (04/04/2006)
- Zorkul State Reserve (04/04/2006)
Tanzania, United Republic of
- Eastern Arc Mountains Forests of Tanzania (10/01/2006)
- Gombe National Park (27/05/1997)
- Jozani - Chwaka Bay Conservation Area (#) (27/05/1997)
- Kondoa Irangi Rock Paintings (31/10/2000)
- Oldonyo Murwak (27/05/1997)
- The Central Slave and Ivory Trade Route (20/02/2006)
- Kaeng Krachan Forest Complex (KKFC) (07/02/2011)
- Phimai, its Cultural Route and the Associated Temples of Phanomroong and Muangtam (01/04/2004)
- Phuphrabat Historical Park (01/04/2004)
the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
- Archaeo-astronomical Site Kokino (30/01/2009)
- Cave Slatinski Izvor (24/06/2004)
- Markovi Kuli (24/06/2004)
- Agglomération Aného-Glidji (12/12/2000)
- La réserve de faune d'Alédjo (08/01/2002)
- Les Greniers des Grottes de Nok et de Mamproug (12/12/2000)
- Les palais des gouverneurs (08/01/2002)
- Parc national de Fazao Mafakassa (08/01/2002)
- Parc national de la Kéran et la réserve de faune Oti-Mandouri (08/01/2002)
- Woold Homé (08/01/2002)
- Lapita Pottery Archaeological Sites (A National Serial Site for consideration as the Kingdom of Tonga’s contribution to a transnational serial site listing) (09/08/2007)
- The Ancient Capitals of the Kingdom of Tonga (09/08/2007)
- Le complexe hydraulique romain de Zaghouan-Carthage (17/02/2012)
- île de Djerba (17/02/2012)
- Les carrières antiques de marbre numidique de Chimtou (17/02/2012)
- Frontières de l’Empire romain : Limes du Sud tunisien (17/02/2012)
- Médina de Sfax (17/02/2012)
- Les Mausolées Royaux de Numidie, de la Maurétanie et les monuments funéraires pré-islamiques (17/01/2012)
- Parc National d'El Feija (28/05/2008)
- Parc National de Bouhedma (28/05/2008)
- Chott El Jerid (28/05/2008)
- Oasis de Gabès (28/05/2008)
- Alahan Monastery (25/02/2000)
- Alanya (25/02/2000)
- Ancient Cities of Lycian Civilization (06/02/2009)
- Archaeological Site of Aphrodisias (06/02/2009)
- Archaeological Site of Perge (06/02/2009)
- Archaeological Site of Sagalassos (06/02/2009)
- Bergama (15/04/2011)
- Bursa and Cumalikizik Early Ottoman urban and rural settlements (25/02/2000)
- Ephesus (01/02/1994)
- Esrefoglu Mosque (15/04/2011)
- Güllük Dagi-Termessos National Park (25/02/2000)
- Harran and Sanliurfa (25/02/2000)
- Hatay, St. Pierre Church (15/04/2011)
- Ishak Pasha Palace (25/02/2000)
- Karain Cave (01/02/1994)
- Kekova (25/02/2000)
- Konya-A capital of Seljuk Civilization (25/02/2000)
- Mardin Cultural Landscape (25/02/2000)
- Neolithic Site of Catalhoyuk (06/02/2009)
- Seljuk Caravanserais on the route from Denizli to Dogubeyazit (25/02/2000)
- St. Nicholas Church (25/02/2000)
- St.Paul Church, St.Paul's Well and surrounding historic quarters (25/02/2000)
- Sümela Monastery (The Monastery of Virgin Mary) (25/02/2000)
- The Archaeological Site of Göbeklitepe (15/04/2011)
- The Citadel and the Walls of Diyarbakir (25/02/2000)
- The Tombstones of Ahlat the Urartian and Ottoman citadel (25/02/2000)
- Amudarya State Nature Reserve (16/03/2009)
- Badhyz State Nature Reserve (16/03/2009)
- Dehistan / Mishrian (25/02/1998)
- Dinosaurs and Caves of Koytendag (16/03/2009)
- Hazar State Nature Reserve (16/03/2009)
- Repetek Biosphere State Reserve (16/03/2009)
- Silk Roads Sites in Turkmenistan (01/03/2010)
- Syunt Hasardag State Nature Reserve (16/03/2009)
- Bigo bya Mugyenyi (Archaeological Earthworks) (10/09/1997)
- Kibiro (Salt producing village) (10/09/1997)
- Mgahinga Gorilla National Park (MGNP) (30/01/2007)
- Ntusi (man-made mounds and Basin) (10/09/1997)
- Nyero Rockpaintings (Ancient paintings in rockshelters) (10/09/1997)
- Archaeological Site "Stone Tomb" (11/08/2006)
- Astronomical Observatories of Ukraine (30/01/2008)
- Bagçesaray Palace of the Crimean Khans (07/07/2003)
- Complex of the Sudak Fortress Monuments of the 6th - 16th c. (12/03/2007)
- Cultural Landscape of Canyon in Kamenets-Podilsk (#) (13/09/1989)
- Dendrological Park "Sofijivka" (#) (20/06/2000)
- Historic Centre of Tchernigov, 9th -13th centuries (13/09/1989)
- Mykolayiv Astronomical Observatory (12/03/2007)
- National Steppe Biosphere Reserve "Askaniya Nowa" (13/09/1989)
- Tarass Shevtchenko Tomb and State Historical and Natural Museum - Reserve (13/09/1989)
- The ancient city of Tauric Chersonese and its chora (5th century BC — 14th century AD) (13/09/1989)
- Trading Posts and Fortifications on Genoese Trade Routes. From the Mediterranean to the Black Sea (16/09/2010)
- Cultural Landscape of “Cave Towns” of the Crimean Gothia (2012)
- The historical surroundings of Crimean Khans’ capital in Bakhchysarai (2012)
United Arab Emirates
- Al Bidya Mosque (30/01/2012)
- Ed-Dur Site (30/01/2012)
- Khor Dubai (30/01/2012)
- Settlement and Cementery of Umm an-Nar Island (30/01/2012)
- Sir Bu Nair Island (30/01/2012)
- The Cultural Landscape of the Central Region in the Emirate of Sharjah (30/01/2012)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- Chatham Dockyard and its Defences (27/01/2012)
- Creswell Crags (27/01/2012)
- Darwin’s Landscape Laboratory (27/01/2012)
- England’s Lake District (27/01/2012)
- Flow Country (27/01/2012)
- Forth Bridge (27/01/2012)
- Gorham’s Cave Complex (27/01/2012)
- Island of St Helena (27/01/2012)
- Jodrell Bank Observatory (27/01/2012)
- Mousa, Old Scatness and Jarlshof: the Zenith of Iron Age Shetland (27/01/2012)
- Slate Industry of North Wales (27/01/2012)
- The Twin Monastery of Wearmouth Jarrow (27/01/2012)
- Turks and Caicos Islands (27/01/2012)
United States of America
- Civil Rights Movement Sites (30/01/2008)
- Dayton Aviation Sites (30/01/2008)
- Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary (30/01/2008)
- Frank Lloyd Wright Buildings (30/01/2008)
- Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks (30/01/2008)
- Mount Vernon (30/01/2008)
- Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge (30/01/2008)
- Petrified Forest National Park (30/01/2008)
- Poverty Point State Historic Site (30/01/2008)
- San Antonio Franciscan Missions (30/01/2008)
- Serpent Mound (30/01/2008)
- Thomas Jefferson Buildings (30/01/2008)
- White Sands National Monument (30/01/2008)
- La Rambla (promenade maritime) de la Cité de Montévideo (06/05/2010)
- Architecture Moderne du XX siècle de la Ville de Montevideo (06/05/2010)
- L’œuvre de l’ingénieur Eladio Dieste (06/05/2010)
- Paysage Culturel et Industriel Fray Bentos (01/02/2010)
- Chamangá: A Rock Paintings Area (24/02/2005)
- Insular area and bay of Colonia del Sacramento (24/02/2005)
- Palacio Legislativo (05/10/1995)
- Abdulkhan Bandi Dam (18/01/2008)
- Ahsiket (18/01/2008)
- Ak Astana-baba (mausoleum) (01/06/1996)
- Ancient Pap (18/01/2008)
- Ancient Termiz (18/01/2008)
- Andijon (18/01/2008)
- Arab-Ata Mausoleum (18/01/2008)
- Bahoutdin Architectural Complex (18/01/2008)
- Boysun (18/01/2008)
- Chashma-Ayub Mausoleum (18/01/2008)
- Chor-Bakr (18/01/2008)
- Complex of Sheikh Mukhtar-Vali (mausoleum) (01/06/1996)
- Desert Castles of Ancient Khorezm (18/01/2008)
- Gissar Mountains (18/01/2008)
- Historic Center of Qoqon (18/01/2008)
- Kanka (18/01/2008)
- Khanbandi (dam) (01/06/1996)
- Khazarasp (18/01/2008)
- Minaret in Vobkent (18/01/2008)
- Mir-Sayid Bakhrom Mausoleum (18/01/2008)
- Mountains of the Western Tien Shan (Transboundary nomination of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan) “Chatkal Sate Biosphere Reserve” (18/01/2008)
- Poykent (18/01/2008)
- Rabati Malik Caravanserai (18/01/2008)
- Sarmishsay (18/01/2008)
- Shahruhiya (18/01/2008)
- Shokhimardon (18/01/2008)
- Silk Roads Sites in Uzbekistan (19/02/2010)
- Siypantosh Rock Paintings (18/01/2008)
- Varakhsha (18/01/2008)
- Zaamin Mountains (18/01/2008)
- Zarautsoy Rock Paintings (18/01/2008)
- Lake Letas (01/10/2004)
- The Nowon and Votwos of Ureparapara (05/10/2005)
- The President Coolidge (01/10/2004)
- Vatthe Conservation Area (01/10/2004)
- Yalo, Apialo and the sacred geography of Northwest Malakula (01/10/2004)
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
- City of "La Guaira" (03/06/1999)
- Ciudad Bolivar in the narrowness of the Orinoco River (10/03/2003)
- Hacienda Chuao (Chuao Plantation) (16/01/2002)
Viet Nam
- Ba Be Lake (15/11/1997)
- Cat Ba Archipelago (30/09/2011)
- Cat Tien National Park (21/06/2006)
- Con Moong Cave (21/06/2006)
- Huong Son Complex of Natural Beauty and Historical Monuments (15/07/1991)
- The Area of Old Carved Stone in Sapa (15/11/1997)
- Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex (30/09/2011)
- Archaeological site of Marib (08/07/2002)
- Balhaf/Burum coastal area (08/07/2002)
- Historic city of Saada (08/07/2002)
- Jabal Bura (08/07/2002)
- Jabal Haraz (08/07/2002)
- Jibla and its surroundings (08/07/2002)
- Sharma/Jethmun coastal area (08/07/2002)
- The Hawf Area (08/07/2002)
- The Historic City of Thula (08/07/2002)
- The Madrasa Amiriya of Rada (08/07/2002)
- Kalambo Falls (10/03/2009)
- Chirundu Fossil Forest (10/03/2009)
- Dag Hammarskjoeld Memorial (Crash site) (11/06/1997)
- Kalambo falls archaeological site (prehistoric settlement site) (11/06/1997)
- Mwela Rock Paintings (10/03/2009)
- The Barotse Cultural Landscape (10/03/2009)
- Zambezi Source (10/03/2009)
Ziwa National Monument (26/06/1997)
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